Announcement: Cancelation Policy Update July 2023

  • Teacher Public Representative Reputation 20,000+ Post 5000+ Pioneers

    @Filipe If you think it clearer, take it as you said it. I do confirm that the 2 are correlated.
    "'If a cancellation takes place within 48 hours to a scheduled student in the past 14 days."
    About the 1950s comment, and nowadays, computers are maybe better, but not unmistakable.
    "It's impossible for the UI/UX to generate all possibilities in one list to the client's front end when they're choosing a teacher. It's a dynamic list of recommendations."

  • @Marko-Ilic Hidden only from students that we cancel, and not every other student right? So this could also be used in a way to remove students from our schedules that teachers don't want to teach or feel uncomfortable teaching?

    So if i cancel a student named Sarah for a class in 6 hours - now she can't see my schedule for 2 weeks but all other students can?

    Also, canceling within 4 hours for unscheduled slots should be penalty-free. Is that ever going to be implemented?

  • Teacher Public Representative Reputation 20,000+ Post 5000+ Pioneers

    @KaiAnnouncement: Cancelation Policy Update July 2023 中說:

    @Marko-Ilic Hidden only from students that we cancel, and not every other student right? So this could also be used in a way to remove students from our schedules that teachers don't want to teach or feel uncomfortable teaching?

    Yes, we believe so, but it's a new system, so unpredictable stuff can happen, but we are here to react if needed.

    So if i cancel a student named Sarah for a class in 6 hours - now she can't see my schedule for 2 weeks but all other students can?

    As mentioned above, it's the system, but it should avoid unnecessary things.

    Also, canceling within 4 hours for unscheduled slots should be penalty-free. Is that ever going to be implemented?
    Not for now because teachers are needed in the 4-hour range as well. I can't promise anything for the future.

  • I think I am being punished, since none of my regulars can book me. :D Not only the ones I cancelled!

  • Pioneers

    @Marko-IlicAnnouncement: Cancelation Policy Update July 2023 中說:

    "It's impossible for the UI/UX to generate all possibilities in one list to the client's front end when they're choosing a teacher. It's a dynamic list of recommendations."

    My problem with this is not the technical side of things (of which I am aware, I do know programming), but the fact that the system is hiding teachers from clients.
    And this relates with what many of us have been reporting, where clients specifically search for us and they can't find us, even if we don't have any cancellations. This is my issue.
    I know most of the times people complain, they probably have some cancellations under their belt. But in the other cases this still happens, as reported recently by Robert and others.
    This doesn't seem like any UI limitation, but an imposed one.

    I don't know how I feel about these "recommendations" you mentioned, though. Who is being recommended and why? Those things need to be clear.
    (and I'm sorry, I know you're just the messenger)

  • @Marko-Ilic
    What does the whole “if there has been cancellations in 14 days” mean? Will we be punished if we cancel scheduled classes within 14 days notice?

  • Teacher Public Representative Reputation 20,000+ Post 5000+ Pioneers

    @Alia-9 Already answered, only if canceled a scheduled class within 48 hours.

  • Teacher Public Representative Reputation 20,000+ Post 5000+ Pioneers

    @Nikola-4 Well, probably you had a severe number of scheduled classes canceled, and the system is trying to cope with that.

  • Teacher Public Representative Reputation 20,000+ Post 5000+ Pioneers

    @FilipeAnnouncement: Cancelation Policy Update July 2023 中說:

    I know most of the times people complain, they probably have some cancellations under their belt. But in the other cases this still happens, as reported recently by Robert and others.
    This doesn't seem like any UI limitation, but an imposed one.
    Imposed ones for some specific reasons that the company made shouldn't be unless it is not related to client search preferences and their knowledge of using the tools. If you know that you have 0 cancelations, and have a specific client that cannot find you, maybe the client's contract is restricted. If anyone has more doubts, I'll check personally from Monday on.
    I don't know how I feel about these "recommendations" you mentioned, though. Who is being recommended and why? Those things need to be clear.
    The system gathers clients' preferences, cancelations, and all the data necessary, so it will continue to recommend teachers to clients.

  • This makes the period of time a bit clearer in which it is OK to cancel.

    However, I still can't grok the reason why the system feels it's more important to 'punish' the teacher for a cancellation than it is to satisfy a customer who wants that particular teacher. It just doesn't make any sense to me from a customer perspective.

    I have suggested that customer service reps be given the authority to override the system's 'banning' of a teacher if the customer calls and specifically requests the provider. If the customer goes to that length to make the request, I see no reason not to honor it. My suggestion has received no response.

    Additionally, there is no indication here on what's being done to manage the customer service agents and what they are saying to the customers regarding the teachers' unavailability. Telling students or parents that the teacher is not available requires a reason, and they have had numerous explanations like 'teacher is punished', 'teacher is on vacation', or 'teacher took time off'. When none of these reasons are true, what will the students and parents be told, if they call and specifically request the teacher?

    Please remember that the reason offered reflects on the teacher's character and record, so this is important to us.

  • Hello team, does anyone have trouble entering class? I was switched too (Taipei 19:15 July 7th)

  • It seems slightly unfair that there are now two, separate cancellation penalty systems in place without any adjustment to help teachers.

    Not only are we being fined for short-notice cancellations, we are now being removed from the scheduling system for that particular student. Double penalty for the same thing? Removing the fines would make sense as now there is a harsher system in place which can result in not being scheduled for two weeks.

    Imagine you have a power cut, which is very common in a lot of countries, and you have a full day of classes with all of your regulars. Now, if I cancel, not only am I paying fines, I'm also going to be removed from my regular's schedule.

    I feel like this has been rushed through and implemented without much thought. What was wrong with the penalty system and why is there a need for another one to be put in place. If it's really a huge issue then just don't ever allow short-notice cancels and force teachers to take absences. I really think this is solving zero problems.

  • Pioneers Posts 1000+ Reputation 10,000+

    If I recall correctly, an emergency cancellation was anything within 24 hours, now suddenly it's 48 hours and we get hidden from students for 2 weeks? Ouch!

  • Teacher Public Representative Reputation 20,000+ Post 5000+ Pioneers

    @KaiAnnouncement: Cancelation Policy Update July 2023 中說:

    Imagine you have a power cut, which is very common in a lot of countries, and you have a full day of classes with all of your regulars. Now, if I cancel, not only am I paying fines, I'm also going to be removed from my regular's schedule.

    How many power cuts did you have in the previous 6 months?

    The decision is final on the top level, and additional features may be taken into consideration. All suggestions will be taken into consideration. The system will stay as it is now and will be closely monitored on a daily basis, to how it works, how teachers react, what teachers do with the system, and everything else included. The reaction from clients and their feedback will be taken into consideration as well.

  • Teacher Public Representative Reputation 20,000+ Post 5000+ Pioneers

    @Robert-296Announcement: Cancelation Policy Update July 2023 中說:

    Additionally, there is no indication here on what's being done to manage the customer service agents and what they are saying to the customers regarding the teachers' unavailability. Telling students or parents that the teacher is not available requires a reason, and they have had numerous explanations like 'teacher is punished', 'teacher is on vacation', or 'teacher took time off'. When none of these reasons are true, what will the students and parents be told, if they call and specifically request the teacher?
    Please remember that the reason offered reflects on the teacher's character and record, so this is important to us.

    That question you can interact by email with Michael personally.

  • @Marko-Ilic The number of powercuts I've had is irrelevant. But think about people that live in South Africa for example, with the load shedding and unexpected cuts in power. Being forced to have a nailed-on schedule 48 hours in advance in a job that was advertised as being super flexible when we signed up is a bit of a kick in the teeth.

    I'm sure a lot of teachers chose this company for that exact reason, and it was always stated that you could cancel one hour in advance with no penalty. Then the 4 hour monetary system got brought in which was slightly understandable but now a different scheduling penalty has landed on our doorsteps. The company never once asked its consultants for any in put in this decision and hardly ever do.

  • Pioneers Posts 1000+ Reputation 10,000+

    @Marko-Ilic I'm entering the rainy season in Thailand now. I'm worried about internet issues or a power outage if lightning strikes a power transformer like it did last year. (Luckily it was during the afternoon when I didn't have any classes).

    So at this point, it is better to take an absence rather than make any kind of cancellation?

  • @Marko-IlicAnnouncement: Cancelation Policy Update July 2023 中說:

    @Robert-296Announcement: Cancelation Policy Update July 2023 中說:

    Additionally, there is no indication here on what's being done to manage the customer service agents and what they are saying to the customers regarding the teachers' unavailability. Telling students or parents that the teacher is not available requires a reason, and they have had numerous explanations like 'teacher is punished', 'teacher is on vacation', or 'teacher took time off'. When none of these reasons are true, what will the students and parents be told, if they call and specifically request the teacher?
    Please remember that the reason offered reflects on the teacher's character and record, so this is important to us.

    That question you can interact by email with Michael personally.

    Oh, uh-huh. 😀

    My question was more rhetorical than actual. Just hoping that the top level considers what I've suggested.

  • Teacher Public Representative Reputation 20,000+ Post 5000+ Pioneers

    Without going indefinitely into a debate, you know who and how to address further about it.

  • Teacher Public Representative Reputation 20,000+ Post 5000+ Pioneers

    @Gavin-0 Yes, definitely, if it is more than 1 class cancelation. If it is only 1 class, I'd cancel it.
