Mentor Program Announcement - May 2024

  • Teacher Public Representative

    Greetings Teachers,

    We hope that you have all been having a lovely May so far.

    As mentioned in our prior announcement regarding the mentor program, reviews by mentors will be carried out every three months. With May coming to a close, we would like to announce that our next round of reviews has kicked off!

    No immediate action is necessary; once your mentor has observed one of your lessons, you will receive an automated email notification and your mentor will send you a message on the Teacher Community. After receiving the notification, please make sure to check your Community inbox and respond to let the mentor know that you have acknowledged their feedback. You may also receive an invitation for a meeting. If your mentor invites you for a meeting, please make sure to book the meeting as soon as you are able.

    Many of you can expect to chat to the same mentors that you did last time. However, some teachers may find that their mentors are different this time around. To check who your current mentor is, you can go to the “Mentor Program” page located under the “Training” tab on your consultant portal.

    As our mentors are a crucial form of support for our teachers, we expect all teachers to participate in all aspects of the mentor program.

    Thank you all once again for your hard work and dedication!

    Kind regards,

    Michael Hsieh

    Head of Global Teaching Operations

  • Pioneers Posts 1000+ Reputation 10,000+

    @Heather-B Was this also sent as an email or just an announcement on the homepage?
    I didn't get this as an email.

  • Thank you. Have a lovely day. 💖

  • Teacher Public Representative

    @Gavin-0 Just an announcement. :)
