General Teacher Announcement June 21st

  • Whilst the notice is, of course, important to impart on teachers, I'm wondering whether the same applies to students who cancel at the last minute? Unless I am mistaken, there is no compensation for teachers if a scheduled session is cancelled at the last moment which has happened so many times to me (and thereby preventing me from using that lost time to earn a living otherwise). It just all seems so unbalanced and against the tutors all the time. Please correct me if I am wrong. (and may I just add that for the record, apart from one day of cancellations when I had food poisoning, I have never, in 6 months, cancelled any lessons - just saying...).

  • I have been working here since 2016 and I've never noticed any child safety problems.

  • Can I cancel scheduled sessions 3 or more days in advance?

  • Reputation 5000+ Reputation 1000+ Reputation 500+ Reputation 100+

    @Heather-B said in General Teacher Announcement June 21st:

    1. In order to continue teaching JR learners, we request that teachers please complete the survey below to check that they are up to date with child safety requirements.

    Please highlight the importance of this part.

    It was like reading the news (aha), reading the news (mhm), reading the...


    " In order to continue teaching JR learners, we request " (my heart skips a beat as I click on the link)

    It's not that hard, but some people might miss the post.
    @Heather-B Are they going to deactivate the JR tags over this? 🤔

  • @Marko-4 said in General Teacher Announcement June 21st:

    @Heather-B said in General Teacher Announcement June 21st:

    1. In order to continue teaching JR learners, we request that teachers please complete the survey below to check that they are up to date with child safety requirements.

    Please highlight the importance of this part.

    It was like reading the news (aha), reading the news (mhm), reading the...


    " In order to continue teaching JR learners, we request " (my heart skips a beat as I click on the link)

    It's not that hard, but some people might miss the post.
    @Heather-B Are they going to deactivate the JR tags over this? 🤔

    I only just spotted it myself! And I read it hours ago......

    I also found this little error:
    Screenshot (265).png

  • Pioneers Reputation 5000+

    @Heather-B said in General Teacher Announcement June 21st:

    under 48h seems to be the main issue.

    it's almost as if teacher's a choosing not to teach some of the students? And then give no particular reason for it?
    (of course I might be mistaken)

  • Pioneers Reputation 1000+ Posts 500+ Achieved 9.7+ #2020Q2

    @Heather-B Is the answer sheet at the end of the survey given as reference? I only ask because I had the answers as listed, but wondered if somehow I had done something wrong.

  • Pioneers Reputation 1000+ Posts 500+ Achieved 9.7+ #2020Q2

    @Marko-4 maybe it is a way to see if we actually DO read the announcements (cue the comments in 3 months time 'I didn't see an email/announcement about this')

  • I completed the survey for child safety requirements, but did not get all of the answers correct, though the majority. As @Filip-0 I too have never had to report or had an issue with Child Safety therefore I haven't really studied it in great depth, but have the common sense and knowledge to understand when something needs reporting. @Heather-B Will a lower than x % score count against us to continue to tutor Jr classes? I sped through this as I imagine others did too. I didn't have a lot of time, but as 95% of my classes are Jr I did not want the tag to be removed. Further no deadline was set for the completion of the survey.

  • @Karl-20 I think many might miss this thread, so hopefully it gets added to our tasks on the main page, along with a deadline. Maybe it already has been? I just teach adults, so it might just not be on mine.

    And on that point, do those of us that only teach adults need to do this Surveycake?

  • 1st Batch Member Pioneers Reputation 10,000+

    @Karl-20 I think I forgot to check one thing on the last question. 🤦

  • I am curious about the comments about cancellation. Can I assume that TABC is talking about illegal cancellations? Do you mean those cancellations done after the 4-hour requirement? Example: a cancellation at 3:59 before the scheduled class... I understand this would not be acceptable under the 4-hour rule.
    I have canceled greens before. But, I adhere to the 4-hour rule. I would like clarification as to the circumstances around the no-shows. As far as I know, and have read, canceling greens before the 4-hour rule is not an issue.
    Other Scheduling concerns:
    Telegram: I am constantly getting notices from Telegram about "we need teachers" for specific times. Some of those notices are in my time GMT-8. Some are in GMT+8. Why is that? Why post notices in two different time zones? By the time I check my bookings/schedule, there is no point in replying.
    Regardless, I am always booked for those "Telegram" times and wait to be scheduled. Commonly, I DO NOT get those available bookings scheduled. Why???
    Telegram is constantly sending me "we need teachers" for times I am already booked and NOT scheduled. Gimme the classes!!!!!!!!! I am waiting.
    I have outlined some scheduling concerns. I hope I can get some answers.

  • @david552 - I did the same and got ZERO bookings many times so I've just stopped. My daily schedule of life and work is pretty maxed out anyway and putting aside precious spare time only to get zero bookings and zero pay speaks volumes to me. So I simply don't even look anymore. Pity when there are teachers who are so committed but it seems to be invisible or there is a serious issue with the system... I've done my part...

  • @David-552 said in General Teacher Announcement June 21st:

    Regardless, I am always booked for those "Telegram" times and wait to be scheduled. Commonly, I DO NOT get those available bookings scheduled. Why???
    Telegram is constantly sending me "we need teachers" for times I am already booked and NOT scheduled. Gimme the classes!!!!!!!!! I am waiting.
    I have outlined some scheduling concerns. I hope I can get some answers.

    I used to think this way, then I realized that the classes might not be the ones I'm qualified for. Do you have all the tags?

  • @Stewart-5 Stewart, great comment. I didn't consider tags as a reason. Food for thought. Thanks!

  • @Eva-G I missed a couple answers too and they were all ones that I debated about and then didn’t check thinking I was being too paranoid in those particular situations.

  • Posts 1000+ Reputation 500+

    @Heather-B Ahh right. Well I almost never do that. The only time recently was 3 times (in a row) but was due to an undiagnosed medical emergency and I was in hospital the whole time and whilst I did cancel, I did send an email to Phillo explaining what happened. Not great, but things like that cannot be avoided.

  • Reputation 10,000+

    @Heather-B I have scheduled classes that get replaced by Demo-Stbys. These are not classes that I've cancelled but my regulars that booked those sessions might think so. I wonder if they are aware of these cases.

  • I assume a lot of teachers here have kids. How do they keep up with cancellations? Apparently, there are situations you need to pick up your child, or take him/her to the doctor/dentist or whatever? I really think we need some kind of solution for cancellations because things happen, life happens.

  • @Nikola-4 that is a fair point but in any job - there are rules and regulations for just "cancelling" work or your commitment to it ! Doctors or dentist appointments have to be scheduled accordingly or personal leave or unpaid leave usually applies ! Unfortunately just as we want flexibility - the people are paying for a teacher and a lesson an often a specific teacher at that. If cancellations are too easy, it makes for an inconsistent product and I totally get why TutorABC needs to have cancellation policies in place. Six months or slightly more ago the penalties or punishments were far stricter! We are quite lucky now, but clearly some teachers are abusing the system and now they need to re-look at things. At the end of the day it is a business.
